Sunday, March 30, 2014


Its a miracle. I'm blogging two days in a row! Thank goodness for lazy Sunday's and naps! So here are some happenings in 2013.

The year started out (literally on Jan 1st) with me taking a pregnancy test and it was positive. It was a surprise and unplanned so I kept it a secret from Nathan for two weeks, I had to let it sink in, and to be be completely honest I was actually pretty upset about it. I had wanted to wait another six months at least. In fact I remember telling some of my cousins I would never have kids as close as Gavin and Jackson again. I totally ate those words! So, on Nathans birthday (Jan. 15th) the boys and I made a card with a little poem on it saying he was going to be a daddy of three.
With that being said, this e-card kind of sums up the year for me. Ha ha

Nathans youngest brother Brandon returned home from serving a mission in Guatemala. He had two nephews and a niece who he got to meet for the first time. 

We spent some time in St George at Nathans parents house. We had some family pictures taken one of the trips we went down there. I believe this was in February and a bunch of us are wearing short leaves. Gotta love the warm weather down there in the winter months.

Nathan went and watched the Masters!

 Remember that e-card. Well one morning I was feeling super sick so I just stayed in bed for a while and this is what I found once I got up. -Just keeping it real here in the blog.
Nathans Grandma turned 80! We went and celebrated for the weekend at her home in Vernal UT.

These are all of the Gardner wives (and a cousins wife) singing one of Grandma Fays favorite songs

Grandma Fays famous swing... 

Nathan and my dad put up our fence in the spring so we spent a lot of time in the back yard.

My sister Becky got married in July.

Gavin started pre-school again in August.

Gavin took this picture while we were waiting for his bus to come. Pretty good ya?

September brought us our baby girl! She was born on Sept. 2nd 1:07am weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz and 19 in. long. I guess I should mention that she was born in the front seat of our new van!!! But maybe that story can be saved for another time if anyone is interested...

I love Halloween. Its one of my favorite holidays. I guess its just my inner "little girl" loving to play dress-up. Nathan thinks I'm weird. This year I dressed up as Pippy Longstockings, and the boys obviously as superman and spider-man.

 We spent Christmas down in St George. We had fun; we made gingerbread house's, went to the Children's Museum, went hiking, and played lots of games. Jackson was so in love with his new toys that Santa brought that cried... a lot! He couldn't handle having to share.

 Holy smokes, this is turning out to be WAY longer than I had planned. So Ill just end with some cute pictures of each of my babies.

p.s. I realize I have poor punctuation and grammar -and thank goodness for spell check, so thanks for sticking with me (if you even made it this far) 